Jurgis Kairys (Litany) is a famous pilot and he won this competition.
He used to be a test pilot of Sukhoi and his character is a bold flight
and showmanship. He always think how he pleas us.
His music is "HITEN" - the great sky which is composed and
performed for him by music group which name is "TOHNE" - the distant tune.

Svetlana Kapanina(Russia) is a bright hope of Russia, she won several female champion.
She stay calm in any situation but she sometime make a charming and odd
smile like above(V-sign).
She choose a Scorpions(Rock music) as a BGM against experts choose
classic music.

Dominique Roland(France) is a winner of previous FWGPA competition at Tajima airport,
Japan. He is good at roll performance. He used to be a test pilot of CAP and he is a CEO
of aerobatics related company.

A trademark of Elena Klimovitch(Russia) is white bandana over the head.
She is one of experts. Women are light weight and it makes aircraft
performance better.(20 or 30 Kg difference is big for such a small aircraft)
However women always must use control stick by both hand. It is a
disadvantage for them. BGM is a waltz music.

Peter Besenyei (Hungary) is also a regular face of the top ten list.
His BGM is also a waltz music.

(13sec. 463KB)
Here is a video clip of young French star, Eddy Dussau. Take a look and enjoy feelings
inside of the cockpit.
His music is ERA(voice of Gaia), which is a French Rock-pop sound.